Arguing Covid vaccine safety and efficacy
"Safe until proven otherwise" can't be the starting point; proof of safety must be the standard, not proof of harm.
When researchers actively look for mRNA vaccine harm, they find it (via troponin, autopsy, transmission, and quality control). Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC haven’t found evidence of harm - not because it isn’t there, but because they haven’t looked. In the Pfizer clinical trials, participants did not have their troponin checked after vaccination, autopsies were not performed on those who died, and transmission was not checked.
As such, don’t let the debate around vaccines be framed as “show me evidence of harm.” That evidence is overwhelming; meanwhile, the prospective data for “safe and effective” doesn’t exist.
Argument over.
In depth:
Here's where we started in 2020 with Operation Warp Speed:
Pfizer's criminal history was already well-established (they literally set the record for largest criminal fine in human history)
Other pharma companies are no better; you can see for yourself on the website of the Department of Justice
The capture of our federal institutions was already undeniable; they had shown again and again that they could not function in their role of protecting the public from the predatory behaviors of pharma.
When Operation Warp Speed was announced, the public was understandably uneasy about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines: not only were they being developed in record time, they were also using a new platform: mRNA. We were reassured that no corners would be cut, and that everything would be transparent.
Were that it were so.
“Safe and effective” was the mantra when the Covid vaccines hit the market. By what evidence were those reassuring and profitable claims made?
The best way to establish such evidence is via prospective trials. Clinical trials are supposed to be prospective, where researchers engage in robust monitoring and data gathering of trial subjects. This format is in contrast to retrospective trials, which take a passive, rear-view mirror examination of safety and efficacy - or pretends to look for it, as is often the case. Retrospective trials are more prone to both unreliable results and intentional manipulation; this makes them ideal for companies that value profits over outcomes.
Every prospective study into mRNA vaccine safety and efficacy has displayed:
Minimal to negative effect on transmission
Alarming rates of myocarditis evidenced by troponin
Spike protein tissue damage in autopsies
Contaminations: DNA, SV40, and frameshifting
There are no prospective studies that contradict the results of research that actively measures for harm. All claims that the mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” rely on passive data collection via broken chains by biased actors - systems that are conveniently incapable of generating direct evidence of harm, to the benefit of the pharma shareholders and the authoritarian public health establishment.
Our Covid data and policy has been based off of propaganda and marketing, not evidence (I’ve written on fatal errors in our Covid data previously).
We still have no idea how many corners Pfizer and the FDA cut, because there has been little of the promised transparency. What transparency there is has been legally compelled via FOIA; given the track records of those involved, this alone is enough to warrant deep concern (as was the FDA’s request to release trial data over the course of 75 years).
Despite having a blank check and promise to conduct the trials with rigor, Pfizer cut every corner between Warp Speed and the bank while the FDA acted as cheerleader instead of enforcer.
Troponin is a biomarker for heart damage; it is a cheap and quick lab that can be done at thousands of locations across the country. Every prospective study that has looked for troponin after vaccination has found it, at rates of around 3%. Is this incredibly damning safety signal also seen in the clinical trials? Pfizer didn’t measure troponin after vaccination. They also didn’t conduct EKGs to assess heart conductivity, another cheap and easy measure of safety - despite having a blank check from the federal government and a promise to conduct a complete and robust safety assessment. There is no counter-evidence to the prospective troponin studies, which have been replicated across the world at reputable institutions.
Autopsies are strongly recommended during clinical trials - at least, they were until the Pfizer Covid vaccine trial. Every death during Pfizer’s trial was unexpected, yet none of the deaths in the vaccine group received an autopsy (the vaccine group also had more deaths than the control group). In contrast, autopsy studies that have been done on sudden deaths post mRNA vaccination has found an alarming percent of them to be directly related to the vaccine. There is no counter-evidence to the autopsy studies, which have been replicated across the world at reputable institutions.
Pfizer did not assess the vaccine’s effect on transmission in their clinical trial, despite the robust public messaging that vaccine advocates today insist never happened. Prospective studies conducted into transmission have consistent results: the vaccines range from marginally helpful to outright harmful regarding transmission. Cleveland Clinic fired unvaccinated staff; here’s their internal analysis of the vaccine’s effect on transmission:
A more recent follow-up study by Cleveland Clinic shows the same: their fully boosted staff are getting Covid more often than anyone else. This data is far stronger than any study that shows the vaccines reduce transmission because at Cleveland Clinic they actively tested staff for Covid instead of relying on broken data systems.
Recent revelations about the manufacturing “process 2” and DNA contamination provide another example where there is no evidence that critics are wrong: vaccine regulators and manufacturers have zero evidence that the Pfizer mRNA vaccines aren’t wildly contaminated with DNA, SV40, and produce unintended amyloid proteins for an unknown amount of time (they never studied how long fortified mRNA would last). Yet again, they have no data of their own that would contradict what labs across the world are finding.
Notice a pattern yet?
In Pfizer’s clinical trials, thousands developed symptoms of Covid but were not tested. Dozens died, but none had autopsies. None had simple labs drawn post-vaccination that could have identified harm. Dozens had pregnancies with unknown outcomes. The control group was vaccinated shortly after the study’s conclusion. After making no effort to establish vaccine safety and efficacy, the narrative became “there’s no evidence for that” when, in fact, there was an intentional lack of effort to establish such evidence.
“Safe and effective” was never studied during Pfizer’s Covid vaccine clinical trials; every prospective study conducted since reveals a vaccine that is neither safe nor effective.
Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC have failed to conduct a single prospective trial of their own that could blur the damning conclusions reached elsewhere.
Those who ask for proof of vaccine harms are starting from a place where they assume that the biggest criminal organizations in the world who did no prospective research into their product (and have made unprecedented profits) should be trusted by default. Meanwhile, the “safe and effective” narrative they defend has no prospective evidence upon which to build their case or counter the instances where real research is being done and is damning.
“Prove it,” a vaccine pusher might say if you express concerns. “Show me the evidence of harm.” The truth is, there is no evidence of safety, and that must be the starting point of the conversation.
Female-specific side effects could also be added to this list, but the situation there is even worse: they did have evidence of harm, but have continued to gaslight the public while failing to be transparent or honest. Pregnant women were excluded from Pfizer’s clinical trial, and many who became pregnant were not followed; we don’t know the results of their pregnancy. We also don’t know the results of the safety in pregnancy trial that was due in 2021 (three years ago now). Their excuse? Trouble recruiting participants - for the most widely-distributed therapeutic of all time.
No evidence of safety.
No evidence of efficacy.
Robust evidence of harm.